Scottsdale, Arizona

Scottsdale Credit Repair

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Scottsdale Arizona may be rated #1 for best resort communities in America but since the “Great Recession” many Scottsdale residents have been less concerned with booking a weekend staycation at a resort and have been focusing on getting their finances and credit back on track. Whether you’ve filed for bankruptcy, for a “fresh start”, or successfully paid off old dept, you may still be struggling with getting your credit score back up to where it was several years ago. If you experienced a drop in your credit score, you’re in the same boat as thousands of others like you.

"The “Great Recession” had a significant impact on the credit-scoring world. More people fell into the lower brackets: 25% had scores under 600 in October 2010, compared to 15% in 2006."

Derick Vogel, CEO

By simply maxing out your credit card, your credit score could drop by 10 to 45 points and a late credit card or mortgage payment could have dropped your credit score even lower. Fortunately, you can get your credit score back up again with certified credit repair services in Scottsdale which will help remove negative items from your credit report. Credit Absolute is the top credit repair company in Scottsdale, Arizona and has helped hundreds of individuals, like yourself, increase their credit scores by 40 to 100 points!

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Not Sure if it’s Worth Having a Professional Repair Your Credit?

If you’ve been crippled by the recent economic crash and have been dealing with a diminishing credit score then you could be losing a lot of money. If you take out a loan, open a credit card, buy a home or car, you could be paying thousands more just because of a low credit score.

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Pay Only for Results

Paying a higher interest rate because your credit is low, isn’t worth it the amount of money that it will cost you over the life of the loan. With Credit Absolute you only pay for services rendered. This means there is no cost to you until we’ve successfully removed negative items from your credit report.

"Our goal is to not only help you drastically improve your credit score, but to also assist you with the financial advice that can help set you up for success in the future. There is no reason to delay repairing your credit and giving yourself the brighter, more promising future you deserve."

Derick Vogel, CEO


Repairing Your Credit is More Important Than Ever

Years ago your credit score was only important when getting a home, car or credit card. Today, though, more and more industries are taking notice and now credit scores are being checked almost everywhere. Getting an apartment, new phone or even turning on electric service for a new residence can result in a credit check determining whether you’re worthy of service and/or whether the company will charge you a substantial deposit.

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